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Latent Health

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.: Attacks: Physical Attacks, Ki Attacks, Energy Attacks.
.: Abilities: Combo, Distraction, Barrage, Dragon Rush.
.: Defenses: Dodging, Blocking, Countering.
.: Assists: Charge, Power Up, Latent Health, Extreme Conditioning.
.: Reference: Stats

.: Latent Health

When you knock some one out, you have 1 of 2 choices. 1) Leave their negative Hp as bonus EXP for after the fight; or 2) Use their negative Hp to heal yourself a bit. (Note: Not all characters will be able to do this, check your character's abilities to see if you can.)

EX- You knock someone out and they have -30 HP. If you leave it for bonus EXP it can be like 10 bonus exp(Which at level 1 is like 20% more exp than normal); if you use Latent Health you man heal 10 Hp. You usually won't gain as much Exp as Health, but which is more important to you at the time? that's the question you have to ask yourself.

.: Notes, Facts, and Comments about using Latent Health.

When thinking about using latent health you have two major things to think about, Do I really need the Health, or do I need the Extra EXP to catch up the other mother fucker.
Latent Health unlike Charging does not take away rage, it doenst heal your MP either.
Latent Health must be used DIRECTALLY AFTER you KO the person and only the person who KOed the fighter can use latent Health.
