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Dragon Rush

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.: Attacks: Physical Attacks, Ki Attacks, Energy Attacks.
.: Abilities: Combo, Distraction, Barrage, Dragon Rush.
.: Defenses: Dodging, Blocking, Countering.
.: Assists: Charge, Power Up, Latent Health, Extreme Conditioning.
.: Reference: Stats

.: Dragon Rush

This is a combo attack. With this attack you get a rush of power as you unleash your rage into a furry of attacks. You get to add a ratio bonus to your attacks at your own discretion allowing you to create your own "special combo" for that instant boost you may need. For this you will be given "5 points" to allocate among your combo. This is just like doing a normal combo but with a little bonus. Here are a few examples of things you can do with your Dragon Rush:

.: Two Move Combo

(Normal DMG: 130%, Dragon Rush DMG:180%)

Move 1

Move 2


.: Three Move Combo

(Normal DMG: 160%, Dragon Rush DMG:210%)

Move 1

Move 2

Move 3


.: Four Move Combo

(Normal DMG: 200%, Dragon Rush DMG:250%)

Move 1

Move 2

Move 3

Move 4


.: Five Move Combo

(Potential DMG: 250% Normal)

Move 1

Move 2

Move 3

Move 4

Move 5


Now you may be thinking, "What the fuck does this mean?" Well it's just something to help you understand what you're doing(Keep Reading). For this, just like a normal combo you say what you want to do, BUT you put what + you're having on each attack.

For example:
-you do a 3 move Dragon Rush. We'll say you Knee, DAH, and fire an Energy Attack.
-So you role play out our attack, 'I appear in front of you driving my knee into your gut and then DAH you to the ground. I then hold my hand out firing a blast from the palm of my hand.'(What ever)
-Well I ask after you say your combo you tell me what you're actually trying to do in parenthesis ( ) so I know what you're really doing. At this point you tell me exactly that.
-'I appear in front of you driving my knee into your gut and then DAH you to the ground. I then hold my hand out firing a blast from the palm of my hand. (Dis-Kn(+1), DAH(+1), EA(+3) 100 MP)'

Every +1 you have will make that move so 10% more DMG than normal. So if you did +2 it would be 20%, +3 would be 30%, +4 would be 40%, and +5 would be 50%. BUT to every upside, there's a down.

A Dragon Rush will cost you 50 Rage to do. Also you can only do 2 Dragon Rushes in a fight(Unless I say otherwise).

ALSO; in exchange for the DMG modification every + has its own roll modifier.
+0 = +2 to your Strike Roll
+1 = +1 to your Strike Roll
+2 = +0 to your Strike Roll
+3 = -1 to your Strike Roll
+4 = -2 to your Strike Roll
+5 = -3 to your Strike Roll
(The rolls are based on a 20 sided dice)
(The reason why you have a +0 and a +5 is because you can keep the attack at +0 for no bonus to make another attack better; OR for the instance of a 5 Move combo, use all 5 points for another move instead.)

.: Notes, Facts, and Comments about Dragon Rushing.

Durring a Dragon Rush your Stat Modifiers wont take effect(IE if your speed or STR sucked compaired to thiers it wont matter)
The Cost of the rage depends on how high your level/HP is, the higher it is, the more it costs.
Even if the attack is stopped you may still loose CPs/Rage
