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Ki Attacks

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.: Attacks: Physical Attacks, Ki Attacks, Energy Attacks.
.: Abilities: Combo, Distraction, Barrage, Dragon Rush.
.: Defenses: Dodging, Blocking, Countering.
.: Assists: Charge, Power Up, Latent Health, Extreme Conditioning.
.: Reference: Stats

.: Ki Attacks

Ki Attacks are usually Mp based attacks. By using some of your Mp you can use these attacks such as energy beams, waves, blasts, and aura/barriers. Ki Attacks give better dmg possibilities than a physical attack (i.e. if in a combo I punched, kicked, DAH, and fired and Energy Beam; the punch, kick and DAH may do 50% dmg where as the Energy Beam may do 75% dmg). Ki attacks may also be counterable by another; not meaning you can choose to knock it back, but you can fire on Ki Attack at another. (NOTE: Some blasts/ beams/ki balls/ ki waves may not be compatable with each other and various things may happen).
For an extended list of Ki attacks and what they are/look like go to the Attacks Seen Page.

Note: Ki Attacks do 10% extra DMG in AND out of combos***

.: Notes, Facts, and Comments about Ki Attacks.

Your combo has MUCH less of a chance of being stopped when doing a Ki attack.
If you're in a Multi Person fight and you're doing a combo to one person you can fire a Ki attack at another.
Ki attacks can be fired at other Ki attacks.
Energy Attacks canbe fired at Ki Attacks(Or vise-versa).
Some Ki attacks not only drain your MP and/or Rage but also wear your character down/out.
If you go too far into Negative MP there's a chance u can pass out.
If you and a partner have the same Ki attack you can use them together combining the attack potentially doing massive DMG.
