Alright, unlike before, this RPG is very in depth towards each individual person. After you create your character, me and you will need to sit down and discuss your character. It's also a good idea to talk about your character and about other characters with other characters. It will give you both a more realistic idea of the RPG and how characters should feel about everything in this universe.
When working on your character don't think about the races as stereotypes like.... "Oh I dont want to be a Dodorian because they're stupid big fat pink spikey females." No. That's just one Dodorian. Think about ti this way.... This RPG is going to take place around the start of DragonBall when Planet Vegeta was not destroyed, each of those races that people associate with the Ginyu force and other races of Freeza's henchmen might seem like 'Jokes' to you, but remember, they all were the strongest in the universe before the arrival of the Super Saiyan. Also in case you are worried about it, every race has thier version of Super Saiyans.
Think about everything in front of you. While building your character don't worry about making the most bad ass character. Though yes, it's really fun to be increadable, worry more about building the character that your developing in your head while working out all of your details. This person's look, their personality, the way they carry themselves, the way they act around friendlies, they way the act around enemies, what's offensive to them, what's respectable to them. I want you to make an action person, and for doing this I will give this person you've defined, a life and together we'll figure out how he fits in. And once we've done this, you'll progress how they develop in life.
Your Name(Your REAL Name- First and Last)
Character's Name
Your Aim Screen Name
Your Skype
E-mail adress
Backgrounds(5 points to distribute. 0-5 in each)
.: Saiyan
.: Zargonian
.: Dodorian
.: Gladitorian
.: Reptilian
.: Jeice-jin
This is not for combat, this is for defining your character. This tells how your character will play ROLEPLAY wise, not combat efficiency, that part will be based on your stats and your ability to use them.
For this there are 3 different categories. Mental, Physical and Social. You're going to have to organize what's important for the kind of person you want to run. After you choose that, you get points to a lot. 5 Points for your first pick, 4 points for your second pick, and 3 points for your last pick.
All stats will have a base level by themselves, what you're dealing out is how rounded your character is at different things. You don't have to put points into every stat, only the stats you want to have skill in.
Lastly I need to know some crucial information about your character. Don't worry about going too far into detail. If you're the kind of person who likes to go deep, feel free, but please give me a summary of what ever long winded explanation you give me. Remember, characters shouldn't be perfect. They should be flawed in one way or another. Don't go out of your way to fuck your character or make them out to be an increadable badass, especially if your not.
I will award you for sticking true to what kind of person your making than changing your ind all of the time and doing what ever you feel is what you want to do at the time. If you hate Saiyans and a good friend of yours joins as a Saiyan character, you shouldn't magically give them a chance so you can be friends, you should treat him like a stupid monkey, because that's what you built.
So what I need from you:
Your character's personality: This should describe the kind of person you've created. How he generally acts and how he may act in certain situations. This sets the tone of your character.
Your character's background/Info: This should give your character some sort of history. This could be how they came to join or be apart of the group they are in now. The situation they've found themselves in. Why/how they have come to be the person they are today, what ever. This gives the setting your character has come from.
Your Character's Goals: This should describe what drives your character. This is what makes your character do what they're doing. What ever your goals are, I want you to elaborate on one key thing. WHY. If your character wants to be more powerful then anyone else.... they have to have some sort of reason. "Because he thinks he should be" is a bullshit reason. "Because of his royal blood in his veins he feels that it's his birthright to become the strongest of all Saiyans on Vegeta to prove to himself and to his family that they are truly the most elite in the universe." that's a goal and a reason.
Your Alignment: This ALMOST leads back to personality. But is more towards your choices in life instead of how you go about doing them. Are you good? Are you Evil? Are you Lawful? Are you Chaotic? Are you Neutral? Are you a mixture of the ladder? Now.... remember, good doesn't mean your the hero of the universe and evil doesn't mean that you want to destroy the universe. The difference between good and evil is selflessness and selfishness. The difference between Lawful and Chaotic is by a strait path, or by which ever direction the wind blows at the time. If you need help with this, talk to me.
Personality: Brian is a charismatic Saiyan. A 'people person' unless the occasion calls for him to be serious, then he prefers the more 'bad ass' approach staring his opponent down or cockily talking down to them. Brian puts his friends in front of himself and lacks confidence in his own power though he tries not to show it.
Info/BG: Brian is a Saiyan born and raises to be a Saiyan. Though his family prefers to indulge themselves with the wealth and fame they've managed to gain for themselves, Brian prefers to stand on his own knowing the true flaws of his family and the things they have done. Brian wants to stand on his own two feet and support himself and help those who cannot in an attempt to further himself.
Goal(s): Wants to become the best fighter he can by learning from others around him and touching up their own techniques with his own skills. Brian wants to one day have his own space cruiser with his own crew of men to call his own traveling the universe doing what ever fate and destiny drives him to do.
Alignment: Neutral Good
How the advancement works.
As far as your stats, they level up at their own rate. Gaining EXP based on the difficulty of the mission, how you did on the mission, and also how well you played and helped the game develop. Your stats can also gain additional EXP over time from tapping into them with Tap Points(Listed on the Fight Sheet), Weighted Clothing, and other miscellaneous training that can be done.
As far as your Techniques, these need to be practiced or used in some way in order to gain tech points to help them level up. If you want to learn to move a Ki ball like Yamcha, you'll never learn it if you never fire a single Ki ball. And it'll help to stack some focus points/focused signature on it. If you work on it, It'll help you. Though YES you can gain additional tech points just for playing well and doing what you're suppose to be doing.
Lastly, I need you to let me know any side information that you think that I should know. That makes your character unique, or that better defines who you are.
Do you Hate Icers? Why?
Do you dispise people from the Akuto Clan a little more then you should or even though you shouldn't? Why?
Do you love drinking after a mission?
Do you Smoke?
This doesnt seem as important, but it's just those final touches to your character. And as the game progresses these might change, you may get more, or if you don't have any yet, may gain some through playing.
Just e-mail me this information or if I'm online -MSG me. My aim Screen Name is CracMonkey21. My Skype Account is BrianSimpson137. And my Email is listed below.